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Custom CSS Scrollbars Using Webkit 

Here is an example of a custom scrollbar

And here is how to do it!

Note: This will only work in Webkit supported browsers such as Google Chrome & Safari on non supported browsers it will revert back to the default styling 

Before adding it to your website you will need to style it the way you want it to look.

Here is how: 

1. Load up http://goo.gl/UIEtZp 

2. Make Changes

3. Copy  the code from line 1 to 36

4. Go to your website dashboard click on custom code 

5. Go To Head Code

6. Add <style> &  </style> tags

7. Paste the code you copied from Codepen between  the style tags

8. Click save changes then publish your site 

Note: Custom code only shows up on the published site not in the designer

You did it! :)

If you need more help or if this did not work for you you can always private message me on the forums @Ahmadz839